
The Next Generation of Small Business Funding

Each year entrepreneurs pitch Venture Capital firms in hopes that their startup company or business expansion will get funded by them. The vast majority do not get funded. Furthermore, "getting funding" almost always means the entrepreneur must sell a sizable piece of his company to the VC. Getting … [Read more...] about The Next Generation of Small Business Funding

Tax Return for UBIT – Does your retirement plan own leveraged real estate or an active business?

Just a quick, last-minute reminder... If your IRA owns mortgage-leveraged real estate, you owe UBIT. If your IRA or 401(k) owns an active business structured as a pass through entity (such as an LLC or partnership), you owe UBIT. If your 401(k) owns mortgage-leveraged real estate AND the … [Read more...] about Tax Return for UBIT – Does your retirement plan own leveraged real estate or an active business?

Borrowing money from your Solo 401(k)

Solo 401(k)'s most touted feature is its uniquely large annual contribution limits ($46k - $102k). A lesser known feature may be just as useful for some: participant loans. What is a participant loan? A Solo 401(k) participant can borrow up to either $50,000 or 50% of their account value with the … [Read more...] about Borrowing money from your Solo 401(k)

Loaning money to your IRA/401(k)

Do you have an IRA/401k-owned investment property that has a mortgage and negative cash flow? Something I've been running into lately is Self Directed plan investors who speculatively bought a house or condo in previously hot markets (think Vegas, Florida, Phoenix, etc). Some of these areas have … [Read more...] about Loaning money to your IRA/401(k)